President - Dan Nealon
Vice President - John Gula
Treasurer - Brian Hogan
Secretary - John Parsons
Safety Officer - James Qualters
Jr/Sr Baseball Commsioner - Todd Kolbicka
Majors Baseball Commisoner - Tom Nealon
Minors Baseball Commisoner -James Alansky
Majors softball Commsioner - Jason Styczen
Minors Softball Commsioner -Joe Farrell
Coach Pitch/T-Ball Commisioner -Tony Johnson
Facilities Manager -Mike Hliwski
Equipment Manager - Danny Harkenreader
Fundraising/Sponsorship Officer - Bob Minnick
Information Officer - Mike Conahan
Our league is run by a set of by-laws put in place in 2015.
A copy can be downloaded & reviewed here:
H.A.L.L. By-Laws